Medieval 2: Total War - Engine Overhaul Project Lua Plugin Documentation
Welcome to the EOP Lua Plugin Documentation!
Please note that many of the examples require additional checks and not all functions are fully documented. If you need additional help, we welcome you to join the Discord!
Last updated: 2024-06-09 22:27:37
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Welcome to the EOP ImGui bindings. The following bindings allow you to use the ImGUI library inside Medieval 2.
The current bindings are based on ImGUI version 1.90.2 You can find all the supported bindings in LuaImGuiDocs.lua
-- ImGui.Begin(...) -- Parameters: text (name), bool (open) [O], ImGuiWindowFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns A: bool (shouldDraw) -- Returns B & C: bool (open), bool (shouldDraw) -- Overloads shouldDraw = ImGui.Begin("Name") open, shouldDraw = ImGui.Begin("Name", open) open, shouldDraw = ImGui.Begin("Name", open, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove) open, shouldDraw = ImGui.Begin("Name", open, bit.bor(ImGuiWindowFlags.NoDecoration, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove, ImGuiWindowFlags.AlwaysVerticalScrollbar)) -- ImGui.End() ImGui.End()
Child Windows
-- ImGui.BeginChild(...) -- Parameters: text (name), float (size_x) [O], float (size_y) [O], ImGuiWindowFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: bool (shouldDraw) -- Overloads shouldDraw = ImGui.BeginChild("Name", 100) shouldDraw = ImGui.BeginChild("Name", 100) shouldDraw = ImGui.BeginChild("Name", 100, 200) shouldDraw = ImGui.BeginChild("Name", 100, 200, true) shouldDraw = ImGui.BeginChild("Name", 100, 200, true, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoMove) -- ImGui.EndChild() ImGui.EndChild()
Windows Utilities
-- ImGui.IsWindowAppearing() -- Returns: bool (appearing) appearing = ImGui.IsWindowAppearing() -- ImGui.IsWindowCollapsed() -- Returns: bool (collapsed) collapsed = ImGui.IsWindowCollapsed() -- ImGui.IsWindowFocused(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiFocusedFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: bool (focused) -- Overloads focused = ImGui.IsWindowFocused() focused = ImGui.IsWindowFocused(ImGuiFocusedFlags.ChildWindows) -- ImGui.IsWindowHovered(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiHoveredFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: bool (hovered) -- Overloads hovered = ImGui.IswindowHovered() hovered = ImGui.IsWindowHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags.ChildWindows) -- ImGui.GetWindowDpiScale() -- Returns: float (dpiScale) dpiScale = ImGui.GetWindowDpiScale() -- ImGui.GetWindowPos() -- Returns: float (pos_x), float (pos_y) pos_x, pos_y = ImGui.GetWindowPos() -- ImGui.GetWindowSize() -- Returns: float (size_x), float (size_y) size_x, size_y = ImGui.GetWindowSize() -- ImGui.GetWindowWidth() -- Returns: float (width) width = ImGui.GetWindowWidth() -- ImGui.GetWindowHeight() -- Returns: float (height) height = ImGui.GetWindowHeight() -- ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(...) -- Parameters: float (pos_x), float (pos_y), ImGuiCond (cond) [O], float (pivot_x) [O], float (pivot_y) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(100, 100) ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(100, 100, ImGuiCond.Always) ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(100, 100, ImGuiCond.Always, 0, 0.5) -- ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(...) -- Parameters: float (size_x), float (size_y), ImGuiCond (cond) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(500, 500) ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(500, 500, ImGuiCond.Appearing) -- ImGui.SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(...) -- Parameters: float (min_x), float (min_y), float (max_x), float (max_y) ImGui.SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(100, 100, 500, 600) -- ImGui.SetNextWindowContentSize(...) -- Parameters: float (size_x), float (size_y) ImGui.SetNextWindowContentSize(200, 100) -- ImGui.SetNextWindowCollapsed(...) -- Parameters: bool (collapsed), ImGuiCond (cond) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetNextWindowCollapsed(true) ImGui.SetNextWindowCollapsed(true, ImGuiCond.Appearing) -- ImGui.SetNextWindowFocus() ImGui.SetNextWindowFocus() -- ImGui.SetNextWindowBgAlpha(...) -- Parameters: float (alpha) ImGui.SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.5) -- ImGui.SetWindowPos(...) -- Parameters: float (pos_x), float (pos_y), ImguiCond (cond) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetWindowPos(100, 100) ImGui.SetWindowPos(100, 100, ImGuiCond.Appearing) -- ImGui.SetWindowSize(...) -- Parameters: float (size_x), float (size_y), ImguiCond (cond) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetWindowSize(100, 300) ImGui.SetWindowSize(100, 300, ImGuiCond.Appearing) -- ImGui.SetWindowCollapsed(...) -- Parameters: bool (collapsed), ImguiCond (cond) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetWindowCollapsed(false) ImGui.SetWindowCollapsed(true, ImGuiCond.Appearing) -- ImGui.SetWindowFocus() ImGui.SetWindowFocus() -- ImGui.SetWindowFontScale(...) -- Parameters: float (scale) ImGui.SetWindowFontScale(1.2) -- ImGui.SetWindowPos(...) -- Parameters: text (name), float (pos_x), float (pos_y), ImGuiCond (cond) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetWindowPos("WindowName", 100, 100) ImGui.SetWindowPos("WindowName", 100, 100, ImGuiCond.Always) -- ImGui.SetWindowSize(...) -- Parameters: text (name), float (size_x), float (size_y), ImGuiCond (cond) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetWindowSize("WindowName", 300, 400) ImGui.SetWindowSize("WindowName", 300, 400, ImGuiCond.Always) -- ImGui.SetWindowCollapsed(...) -- Parameters: text (name), bool (collapsed), ImGuiCond (cond) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetWindowCollapsed("WindowName", true) ImGui.SetWindowCollapsed("WindowName", false, ImGuiCond.Always) -- ImGui.SetWindowFocus(...) -- Parameters: text (name) ImGui.SetWindowFocus("WindowName")
Content Region
-- ImGui.GetContentRegionMax() -- Returns: float (x), float (y) x, y = ImGui.GetContentRegionMax() -- ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail() -- Returns: float (x), float (y) x, y = ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail() -- ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionMin() -- Returns: float (x), float (y) x, y = ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionMin() -- ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionMax() -- Returns: float (x), float (y) x, y = ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionMax() -- ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionWidth() -- Returns: float (width) width = ImGui.GetWindowContentRegionWidth()
Windows Scrolling
-- ImGui.GetScrollX() -- Returns: float (x) x = ImGui.GetScrollX() -- ImGui.GetScrollY() -- Returns: float (y) y = ImGui.GetScrollY() -- ImGui.GetScrollMaxX() -- Returns: float (x) x = ImGui.GetScrollMaxX() -- ImGui.GetScrollMaxY() -- Returns: float (y) y = ImGui.GetScrollMaxY() -- ImGui.SetScrollX(...) -- Parameters: float (scroll_x) ImGui.SetScrollX(0.7) -- ImGui.SetScrollY(...) -- Parameters: float (scroll_y) ImGui.SetScrollY(0.7) -- ImGui.SetScrollHereX(...) -- Parameters: float (center_x_ratio) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetScrollHereX() ImGui.SetScrollHereX(0.5) -- ImGui.SetScrollHereY(...) -- Parameters: float (center_y_ratio) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetScrollHereY() ImGui.SetScrollHereY(0.5) -- ImGui.SetScrollFromPosX(...) -- Parameters: float (local_x), float (center_x_ratio) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetScrollFromPosX(10) ImGui.SetScrollFromPosX(10, 0.5) -- ImGui.SetScrollFromPosY(...) -- Parameters: float (local_y), float (center_y_ratio) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetScrollFromPosY(10) ImGui.SetScrollFromPosY(10, 0.5)
Calculating Window Size and Drawing a Centered Window
-- Imports -- local ffi = require("ffi") -- Constructor for an object that stores data about the current Window size ffi.cdef [[ typedef long LONG; typedef void* HANDLE; typedef HANDLE HWND; typedef struct RECT { LONG left; LONG top; LONG right; LONG bottom; } RECT; typedef int BOOL; typedef RECT *LPRECT; BOOL GetWindowRect(HWND hWnd,LPRECT lpRect); HWND GetActiveWindow(void); typedef const char* LPCSTR; typedef unsigned UINT; int MessageBoxA(HWND, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, UINT); ]] -- Window Size window = ffi.C.GetActiveWindow() rect ="RECT") ffi.C.GetWindowRect(window, rect) -- Drawing a centered scroll with a background image GUI_OPEN = false -- Calculate some window sizes and window positions local backgroundWindowPosRight = rect.right / 4.65 local backgroundWindowPosBottom = rect.bottom / (rect.bottom / 20) - 20 local backgroundWindowSizeRight = rect.right / 1.7 local backgroundWindowSizeBottom = rect.bottom / 1 -- Set the next window position and size ImGui.SetNextWindowPos(backgroundWindowPosRight, backgroundWindowPosBottom, ImGuiCond.Appearing) ImGui.SetNextWindowSize(backgroundWindowSizeRight, backgroundWindowSizeBottom) -- Start drawing the centered window (anything before ImGui.End() below will be drawn in this window ) GUI_OPEN, shouldDraw = ImGui.Begin("BACKGROUND_SCROLL", GUI_OPEN, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoDecoration) -- Calculate some image sizes local scrollBackgroundWidth = rect.right / 1.71 local scrollBackgroundHeight = rect.bottom / 1.325 -- Load the image BANNER_IMAGE = { x = 0, y = 0, img = nil } BANNER_IMAGE.x, BANNER_IMAGE.y, BANNER_IMAGE.img = M2TWEOP.loadTexture(M2TWEOP.getModPath()..'\\eopData\\resources\\images\\SCROLL_BACKGROUND.png') -- Draw the image in our centered window ImGui.Image(BANNER_IMAGE.img, scrollBackgroundWidth, scrollBackgroundHeight) ImGui.End() -- End window area
Parameters Stacks (Shared)
-- ImGui.PushFont(...) -- Parameters: ImFont* (font) ImGui.PushFont(font) -- font is obtained from your own custom function -- ImGui.PopFont() ImGui.PopFont() -- ImGui.PushStyleColor(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiCol (idx), float (color_r), float (color_g), float (color_b), float (color_a) ImGui.PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol.Border, 1, 0, 0, 1) -- ImGui.PopStyleColor(...) -- Parameters: int (count) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.PopStyleColor() ImGui.PopStyleColor(5) -- ImGui.PushStyleVar(...) -- Parameters A: ImGuiStyleVar (idx), float (value) -- Parameters B: ImGuiStyleVar (idx), float (value_x), float (value_y) -- Overloads ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.Alpha, 0.5) ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.WindowPadding, 0.2, 0.1) -- ImGui.PopStyleVar(...) -- Parameters: int (count) [O] ImGui.PopStyleVar() ImGui.PopStyleVar(2) -- ImGui.GetStyleColorVec4(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiCol (idx) -- Returns: float (color_r), float (color_g), float (color_b), float (color_a) color_r, color_g, color_b, color_a = ImGui.GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol.Text) -- ImGui.GetFont() -- Returns: ImFont* (font) -- Only function in ImGui giving a font font = ImGui.GetFont() -- ImGui.GetFontSize() -- Returns: float (fontSize) fontSize = ImGui.GetFontSize() -- ImGui.GetFontTexUvWhitePixel() -- Returns: float (x), float (y) x, y = ImGui.GetFontTexUvWhitePixel()
Parameter Stacks (Current Window)
-- ImGui.PushItemWidth(...) -- Parameters: float (width) ImGui.PushItemWidth(100) -- ImGui.PopItemWidth() ImGui.PopItemWidth() -- ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(...) -- Parameters: float (width) ImGui.SetNextItemWidth(100) -- ImGui.CalcItemWidth() -- Returns: float (width) width = ImGui.CalcItemWidth() -- ImGui.PushTextWrapPos(...) -- Parameters: float (wrap_local_pos_x) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.PushTextWrapPos() ImGui.PushTextWrapPos(50) -- ImGui.PopTextWrapPos() ImGui.PopTextWrapPos() -- ImGui.PushAllowKeyboardFocus(...) -- Parameters: bool (allow_keyboard_focus) ImGui.PushAllowKeyboardFocus(true) -- ImGui.PopAllowKeyboardFocus() ImGui.PopAllowKeyboardFocus() -- ImGui.PushButtonRepeat(...) -- Parameters: bool (repeat) ImGui.PushButtonRepeat(true) -- ImGui.PopButtonRepeat() ImGui.PopButtonRepeat()
Cursor / Layout
-- ImGui.Separator() ImGui.Separator -- ImGui.SameLine(...) -- Parameters: float (offset_from_start_x) [O], float (spacing) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SameLine() ImGui.SameLine(100) ImGui.SameLine(100, 5) -- ImGui.NewLine() ImGui.NewLine() -- ImGui.Spacing() ImGui.Spacing() -- ImGui.Dummy(...) -- Parameters: float (size_x), float (size_y) ImGui.Dummy(100, 200) -- ImGui.Indent(...) -- Parameters: float (indent_w) [O] ImGui.Indent() ImGui.Indent(10) -- ImGui.Unindent(...) -- Parameters: float (indent_w) [O] ImGui.Unindent() ImGui.Unindent(-10) -- ImGui.BeginGroup() ImGui.BeginGroup() -- ImGui.EndGroup() ImGui.EndGroup() -- ImGui.GetCursorPos() -- Returns: float (x), float(y) x, y = ImGui.GetCursorPos() -- ImGui.GetCursorPosX() -- Returns: float (x) x = ImGui.GetCursorPosX() -- ImGui.GetCursorPosY() -- Returns: float (y) y = ImGui.GetCursorPosY() -- ImGui.SetCursorPos(...) -- Parameters: float (x), float (y) ImGui.SetCursorPos(10, 10) -- ImGui.SetCursorPosX(...) -- Parameters: float (x) ImGui.SetCursorPosX(10) -- ImGui.SetCursorPosY(...) -- Parameters: float (y) ImGui.SetCursorPosY(10) -- ImGui.GetCursorStartPos() -- Returns: float (x), float(y) x, y = ImGui.GetCursorStartPos() -- ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos() -- Returns: float (x), float(y) x, y = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos() -- ImGui.SetCursorScreenPos(...) -- Parameters: float (x), float (y) ImGui.SetCursorScreenPos(10, 10) -- ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding() ImGui.AlignTextToFramePadding() -- ImGui.GetTextLineHeight() -- Returns: float (height) height = ImGui.GetTextLineHeight() -- ImGui.GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() -- Returns: float (height) height = ImGui.GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() -- ImGui.GetFrameHeight() -- Returns: float (height) height = ImGui.GetFrameHeight() -- ImGui.GetFrameHeightWithSpacing() -- Returns: float (height) height = ImGui.GetFrameHeightWithSpacing()
ID Stack / Scopes
-- ImGui.PushID(...) -- Parameters A: text (str_id) -- Parameters B: text (str_id_begin), text (str_id_end) -- Parameters C: int (int_id) -- Overloads ImGui.PushID("MyID") ImGui.PushID("MyID_Begin", "MyID_End") ImGui.PushID(1) -- ImGui.PopID() ImGui.PopID() -- ImGui.GetID(...) -- Parameters A: text (str_id) -- Parameters B: text (str_id_begin), text (str_id_end) -- Returns: int (id) -- Overloads id = ImGui.PushID("MyID") id = ImGui.PushID("MyID_Begin", "MyID_End")
Widgets: Text
-- ImGui.TextUnformatted(...) -- Parameters: text (text), text (text_end) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.TextUnformatted("I am Unformatted") ImGui.TextUnformatted("I am ", "Unformatted") -- ImGui.Text(...) -- Parameters: text (text) ImGui.Text("Well hello there, General Kenobi") -- ImGui.TextColored(...) -- Parameters: float (color_r), float (color_g), float (color_b), float (color_a), text (text) ImGui.TextColored(1, 0, 0, 1, "Well hello there, General Kenobi") -- ImGui.TextDisabled(...) -- Parameters: text (text) ImGui.TextDisabled("Well hello there, General Kenobi") -- ImGui.TextWrapped(...) -- Parameters: text (text) ImGui.TextWrapped("Well hello there, General Kenobi") -- ImGui.LabelText(...) -- Parameters: text (label), text (text) ImGui.LabelText("Well hello there", "General Kenobi") -- ImGui.BulletText(...) -- Parameters: text (text) ImGui.BulletText("Well hello there, General Kenobi") -- Helper functions -- Centered Text function centeredText(text, minIndentation) if ~text then print('centeredText: Text not found') return end; if ~minIndentation then minIndentation = 20.0 end; local textWidth, textHeight = ImGui.CalcTextSize(text); local windowWidth = ImGui.GetWindowWidth() local textIndentation = (windowWidth - textWidth) * 0.5; if textIndentation <= minIndentation then textIndentation = minIndentation end ImGui.SameLine(textIndentation); ImGui.PushTextWrapPos(windowWidth - textIndentation); ImGui.TextWrapped(text) ImGui.PopTextWrapPos() end -- Usage centeredText("This text is centered in whatever window it resides in") centeredText("____________________________") -- Centered Image Buttons function centeredImageButton(image, x, y, offset) local offset = offset or 0 -- Obtain width of window local windowWidth = ImGui.GetWindowWidth() -- Calculate correct position for the button local centre_position_for_button = (windowWidth - x) / 2; -- Tell Dear ImGui to render the button at the current y pos, but with the new x pos ImGui.SetCursorPosX(centre_position_for_button+offset); clicked = ImGui.ImageButton(image, x, y); return clicked end -- Usage yesClicked = centeredImageButton(YES_BUTTON.img, 50, 50, -50) noClicked = centeredImageButton(NO_BUTTON.img, 50, 50, 50)
Widgets: Main
-- ImGui.Image(...) -- Parameters: texture (image), float (sizeX), float (sizeY) ImGui.Image(ourTexture,100,50) -- ImGui.Button(...) -- Parameters: text (label), float (size_x) [O], float (size_y) [O] -- Returns: bool (clicked) -- Overloads clicked = ImGui.Button("Label") clicked = ImGui.Button("Label", 100, 50) -- ImGui.ImageButton(...) -- Parameters: texture (image), float (sizeX), float (sizeY) -- Returns: bool (clicked) clicked = ImGui.ImageButton(ourTexture,100,50) -- ImGui.SmallButton(...) -- Parameters: text (label) -- Returns: bool (clicked) clicked = ImGui.SmallButton("Label") -- ImGui.InvisibleButton(...) -- Parameters: text (label), float (size_x), float (size_y) -- Returns: bool (clicked) clicked = ImGui.InvisibleButton("Label", 100, 50) -- ImGui.ArrowButton(...) -- Parameters: text (str_id), ImGuiDir (dir) -- Returns: bool (clicked) clicked = ImGui.ArrowButton("I have an arrow", ImGuiDir.Down) -- ImGui.Checkbox(...) -- Parameters: text (label), bool (value) -- Returns: bool (value), bool (pressed) value, pressed = ImGui.Checkbox("My Checkbox", value) -- ImGui.RadioButton(...) -- Parameters A: text (label), bool (active) -- Parameters B: text (label), int (value), int (v_button) -- Returns A: bool (pressed) -- Returns B: int (value), bool (pressed) -- Overloads pressed = ImGui.RadioButton("Click me", pressed == true) value, pressed = ImGui.RadioButton("Click me too", value, 2) -- ImGui.ProgressBar(...) -- Parameters: float (fraction), float (size_x) [O], float (size_y) [O], text (overlay) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.ProgressBar(0.5) ImGui.ProgressBar(0.5, 100, 25) ImGui.ProgressBar(0.5, 100, 25, "Loading Failed. Sike. - 50%") -- ImGui.Bullet() ImGui.Bullet()
Widgets: Combo Box
-- ImGui.BeginCombo(...) -- Parameters: text (label), text (previewValue), ImGuiComboFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: bool (shouldDraw) -- Overloads shouldDraw = ImGui.BeginCombo("My Combo", "Preview") shouldDraw = ImGui.BeginCombo("My Combo", "Preview", ImGuiComboFlags.PopupAlignLeft) -- ImGui.EndCombo() ImGui.EndCombo() -- ImGui.Combo(...) -- Parameters A: text (label), int (current_item), table (items), int (items_count), int (popup_max_height_in_items) [O] -- Parameters B: text (label), int (current_item), text (items_separated_by_zeros), int (popup_max_height_in_items) [O] -- Returns: int (current_item), bool (clicked) -- Overloads current_item, clicked = ImGui.Combo("Label", current_item, { "Option 1 ", "Option 2" }, 2) current_item, clicked = ImGui.Combo("Label", current_item, { "Option 1 ", "Option 2" }, 2, 5) current_item, clicked = ImGui.Combo("Label", current_item, "Option1\0Option2\0") current_item, clicked = ImGui.Combo("Label", current_item, "Option1\0Option2\0", 5)
Widgets: Drags
-- ImGui.DragFloat(...) -- Parameters: text (label), float (value), float (value_speed) [O], float (value_min) [O], float (value_max) [O], text (format) [O], float (power) [O] -- Returns: float (value), bool (used) -- Overloads value, used = ImGui.DragFloat("Label", value) value, used = ImGui.DragFloat("Label", value, 0.01) value, used = ImGui.DragFloat("Label", value, 0.01, -10) value, used = ImGui.DragFloat("Label", value, 0.01, -10, 10) value, used = ImGui.DragFloat("Label", value, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f") value, used = ImGui.DragFloat("Label", value, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f", 0.5) -- ImGui.DragFloat2(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), float (value_speed) [O], float (value_min) [O], float (value_max) [O], text (format) [O], float (power) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.DragFloat2("Label", values) values, used = ImGui.DragFloat2("Label", values, 0.01) values, used = ImGui.DragFloat2("Label", values, 0.01, -10) values, used = ImGui.DragFloat2("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10) values, used = ImGui.DragFloat2("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f") values, used = ImGui.DragFloat2("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f", 0.5) -- ImGui.DragFloat3(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), float (value_speed) [O], float (value_min) [O], float (value_max) [O], text (format) [O], float (power) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.DragFloat3("Label", values) values, used = ImGui.DragFloat3("Label", values, 0.01) values, used = ImGui.DragFloat3("Label", values, 0.01, -10) values, used = ImGui.DragFloat3("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10) values, used = ImGui.DragFloat3("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f") values, used = ImGui.DragFloat3("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f", 0.5) -- ImGui.DragFloat4(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), float (value_speed) [O], float (value_min) [O], float (value_max) [O], text (format) [O], float (power) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.DragFloat4("Label", values) values, used = ImGui.DragFloat4("Label", values, 0.01) values, used = ImGui.DragFloat4("Label", values, 0.01, -10) values, used = ImGui.DragFloat4("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10) values, used = ImGui.DragFloat4("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f") values, used = ImGui.DragFloat4("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f", 0.5) -- ImGui.DragInt(...) -- Parameters: text (label), int (value), float (value_speed) [O], int (value_min) [O], int (value_max) [O], text (format) [O] -- Returns: int (value), bool (used) -- Overloads value, used = ImGui.DragInt("Label", value) value, used = ImGui.DragInt("Label", value, 0.01) value, used = ImGui.DragInt("Label", value, 0.01, -10) value, used = ImGui.DragInt("Label", value, 0.01, -10, 10) value, used = ImGui.DragInt("Label", value, 0.01, -10, 10, "%d") -- ImGui.DragInt2(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), float (value_speed) [O], int (value_min) [O], int (value_max) [O], text (format) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.DragInt2("Label", values) values, used = ImGui.DragInt2("Label", values, 0.01) values, used = ImGui.DragInt2("Label", values, 0.01, -10) values, used = ImGui.DragInt2("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10) values, used = ImGui.DragInt2("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%d") -- ImGui.DragInt3(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), float (value_speed) [O], int (value_min) [O], int (value_max) [O], text (format) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.DragInt3("Label", values) values, used = ImGui.DragInt3("Label", values, 0.01) values, used = ImGui.DragInt3("Label", values, 0.01, -10) values, used = ImGui.DragInt3("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10) values, used = ImGui.DragInt3("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%d") -- ImGui.DragInt4(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), float (value_speed) [O], int (value_min) [O], int (value_max) [O], text (format) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.DragInt4("Label", values) values, used = ImGui.DragInt4("Label", values, 0.01) values, used = ImGui.DragInt4("Label", values, 0.01, -10) values, used = ImGui.DragInt4("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10) values, used = ImGui.DragInt4("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%d")
Widgets: Sliders
-- ImGui.SliderFloat(...) -- Parameters: text (label), float (value), float (value_min), float (value_max), text (format) [O], float (power) [O] -- Returns: float (value), bool (used) -- Overloads value, used = ImGui.SliderFloat("Label", value, -10, 10) value, used = ImGui.SliderFloat("Label", value, -10, 10, "%.1f") value, used = ImGui.SliderFloat("Label", value, -10, 10, "%.1f", 0.5) -- ImGui.SliderFloat2(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), float (value_min), float (value_max), text (format) [O], float (power) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.SliderFloat2("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10) values, used = ImGui.SliderFloat2("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f") values, used = ImGui.SliderFloat2("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f", 0.5) -- ImGui.SliderFloat3(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), float (value_min), float (value_max), text (format) [O], float (power) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.SliderFloat3("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10) values, used = ImGui.SliderFloat3("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f") values, used = ImGui.SliderFloat3("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f", 0.5) -- ImGui.SliderFloat4(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), float (value_min), float (value_max), text (format) [O], float (power) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.SliderFloat4("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10) values, used = ImGui.SliderFloat4("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f") values, used = ImGui.SliderFloat4("Label", values, 0.01, -10, 10, "%.1f", 0.5) -- ImGui.SliderAngle(...) -- Parameters: text (label), float (v_rad), float (v_degrees_min) [O], float (v_degrees_max) [O], text (format) [O] -- Returns: float (v_rad), bool (used) -- Overloads v_rad, used = ImGui.SliderAngle("Label", v_rad) v_rad, used = ImGui.SliderAngle("Label", v_rad, -255) v_rad, used = ImGui.SliderAngle("Label", v_rad, -255, 360) v_rad, used = ImGui.SliderAngle("Label", v_rad, -255, 360, "%.0f deg") -- ImGui.SliderInt(...) -- Parameters: text (label), int (value), int (value_min), int (value_max), text (format) [O] -- Returns: int (value), bool (used) -- Overloads value, used = ImGui.SliderInt("Label", value, -10, 10) value, used = ImGui.SliderInt("Label", value, -10, 10, "%d") -- ImGui.SliderInt2(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), int (value_min), int (value_max), text (format) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.SliderInt2("Label", values, -10, 10) values, used = ImGui.SliderInt2("Label", values, -10, 10, "%d") -- ImGui.SliderInt3(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), int (value_min), int (value_max), text (format) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.SliderInt3("Label", values, -10, 10) values, used = ImGui.SliderInt3("Label", values, -10, 10, "%d") -- ImGui.SliderInt4(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), int (value_min), int (value_max), text (format) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.SliderInt4("Label", values, -10, 10) values, used = ImGui.SliderInt4("Label", values, -10, 10, "%d") -- ImGui.VSliderFloat(...) -- Parameters: text (label), float (size_x), float (size_y), float (value), float (value_min), float (value_max), text (format) [O], float (power) [O] -- Returns: float (value), bool (used) -- Overloads value, used = ImGui.VSliderFloat("Label", 100, 25, value, -10, 10) value, used = ImGui.VSliderFloat("Label", 100, 25, value, -10, 10, "%.1f") value, used = ImGui.VSliderFloat("Label", 100, 25, value, -10, 10, "%.1f", 0.5) -- ImGui.VSliderInt(...) -- Parameters: text (label), float (size_x), float (size_y), int (value), int (value_min), int (value_max), text (format) [O] -- Returns: int (value), bool (used) -- Overloads value, used = ImGui.VSliderInt("Label", 100, 25, value, -10, 10) value, used = ImGui.VSliderInt("Label", 100, 25, value, -10, 10, "%d")
Widgets: Input with Keyboard
-- ImGui.InputText(...) -- Parameters: text (label), text (text), int (buf_size), ImGuiInputTextFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: text (text), bool (selected) -- Overloads text, selected = ImGui.InputText("Label", text, 100) text, selected = ImGui.InputText("Label", text, 100, ImGuiInputTextFlags.ReadOnly) -- ImGui.InputTextMultiline(...) -- Parameters: text (label), text (text), int (buf_size), float (size_x) [O], float (size_y) [O], ImGuiInputTextFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: text (text), bool (selected) -- Overloads text, selected = ImGui.InputTextMultiline("Label", text, 100) text, selected = ImGui.InputTextMultiline("Label", text, 100, 200, 35) text, selected = ImGui.InputTextMultiline("Label", text, 100, 200, 35, ImGuiInputTextFlags.ReadOnly) -- ImGui.InputTextWithHint(...) -- Parameters: text (label), text (hint), text (text), int (buf_size), ImGuiInputTextFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: text (text), bool (selected) -- Overloads text, selected = ImGui.InputTextWithHint("Label", "Hint", text, 100) text, selected = ImGui.InputTextWithHint("Label", "Hint", text, 100, ImGuiInputTextFlags.ReadOnly) -- ImGui.InputFloat(...) -- Parameters: text (label), float (value), float (step) [O], float (step_fast) [O], text (format) [O], ImGuiInputTextFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: float (value), bool (used) -- Overloads value, used = ImGui.InputFloat("Label", value) value, used = ImGui.InputFloat("Label", value, 1) value, used = ImGui.InputFloat("Label", value, 1, 10) value, used = ImGui.InputFloat("Label", value, 1, 10, "%.1f") value, used = ImGui.InputFloat("Label", value, 1, 10, "%.1f", ImGuiInputTextFlags.None) -- ImGui.InputFloat2(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), text (format) [O], ImGuiInputTextFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.InputFloat2("Label", values) values, used = ImGui.InputFloat2("Label", values, "%.1f") values, used = ImGui.InputFloat2("Label", values, "%.1f", ImGuiInputTextFlags.None) -- ImGui.InputFloat3(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), text (format) [O], ImGuiInputTextFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.InputFloat3("Label", values) values, used = ImGui.InputFloat3("Label", values, "%.1f") values, used = ImGui.InputFloat3("Label", values, "%.1f", ImGuiInputTextFlags.None) -- ImGui.InputFloat4(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), text (format) [O], ImGuiInputTextFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.InputFloat4("Label", values) values, used = ImGui.InputFloat4("Label", values, "%.1f") values, used = ImGui.InputFloat4("Label", values, "%.1f", ImGuiInputTextFlags.None) -- ImGui.InputInt(...) -- Parameters: text (label), int (value), int (step) [O], int (step_fast) [O], ImGuiInputTextFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: int (value), bool (used) -- Overloads value, used = ImGui.InputInt("Label", value) value, used = ImGui.InputInt("Label", value, 1) value, used = ImGui.InputInt("Label", value, 1, 10) value, used = ImGui.InputInt("Label", value, 1, 10, ImGuiInputTextFlags.None) -- ImGui.InputInt2(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), ImGuiInputTextFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.InputInt2("Label", values) values, used = ImGui.InputInt2("Label", values, ImGuiInputTextFlags.None) -- ImGui.InputInt3(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), ImGuiInputTextFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.InputInt3("Label", values) values, used = ImGui.InputInt3("Label", values, ImGuiInputTextFlags.None) -- ImGui.InputInt4(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (values), ImGuiInputTextFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: table (values), bool (used) -- Overloads values, used = ImGui.InputInt4("Label", values) values, used = ImGui.InputInt4("Label", values, ImGuiInputTextFlags.None) -- ImGui.InputDouble(...) -- Parameters: text (label), double (value), double (step) [O], double (step_fast) [O], text (format) [O], ImGuiInputTextFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: double (value), bool (used) -- Overloads value, used = ImGui.InputDouble("Label", value) value, used = ImGui.InputDouble("Label", value, 1) value, used = ImGui.InputDouble("Label", value, 1, 10) value, used = ImGui.InputDouble("Label", value, 1, 10, "%.4f") value, used = ImGui.InputDouble("Label", value, 1, 10, "%.4f", ImGuiInputTextFlags.None)
Widgets: Color Editor / Picker
-- ImGui.ColorEdit3(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (col), ImGuiColorEditFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: table (col), bool (used) -- Overloads col, used = ImGui.ColorEdit3("Label", col) col, used = ImGui.ColorEdit3("Label", col, ImGuiColorEditFlags.NoTooltip) -- ImGui.ColorEdit4(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (col), ImGuiColorEditFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: table (col), bool (used) -- Overloads col, used = ImGui.ColorEdit4("Label", col) col, used = ImGui.ColorEdit4("Label", col, ImGuiColorEditFlags.NoTooltip) -- ImGui.ColorPicker3(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (col), ImGuiColorEditFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: table (col), bool (used) -- Overloads col, used = ImGui.ColorPicker3("Label", col) col, used = ImGui.ColorPicker3("Label", col, ImGuiColorEditFlags.NoTooltip) -- ImGui.ColorPicker4(...) -- Parameters: text (label), table (col), ImGuiColorEditFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: table (col), bool (used) -- Overloads col, used = ImGui.ColorPicker4("Label", col) col, used = ImGui.ColorPicker4("Label", col, ImGuiColorEditFlags.NoTooltip) -- ImGui.ColorButton(...) -- Parameters: text (desc_id), table (col), ImGuiColorEditFlags (flags) [O], float (size_x) [O], float (size_y) [O] -- Returns: bool (pressed) -- Overloads pressed = ImGui.ColorButton("Desc ID", { 1, 0, 0, 1 }) pressed = ImGui.ColorButton("Desc ID", { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, ImGuiColorEditFlags.None) pressed = ImGui.ColorButton("Desc ID", { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, ImGuiColorEditFlags.None, 100, 100) -- ImGui.SetColorEditOptions(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiColorEditFlags (flags) ImGui.SetColorEditOptions(ImGuiColorEditFlags.NoTooltip | ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoInputs)
Widgets: Trees
-- ImGui.TreeNode(...) -- Parameters: text (label), text (fmt) [O] -- Returns: bool (open) -- Overloads open = ImGui.TreeNode("Label") open = ImGui.TreeNode("Label", "Some Text") -- ImGui.TreeNodeEx(...) -- Parameters: text (label), ImGuiTreeNodeFlags (flags) [O], text (fmt) [O] -- Returns: bool (open) -- Overloads open = ImGui.TreeNodeEx("Label") open = ImGui.TreeNodeEx("Label", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Selected) open = ImGui.TreeNodeEx("Label", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Selected, "Some Text") -- ImGui.TreePush(...) -- Parameters: text (str_id) ImGui.TreePush("String ID") -- ImGui.TreePop() ImGui.TreePop() -- ImGui.GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() -- Returns: float (spacing) spacing = ImGui.GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() -- ImGui.CollapsingHeader(...) -- Parameters A: text (label), ImGuiTreeNodeFlags (flags) [O] -- Parameters B: text (label), bool (open), ImGuiTreeNodeFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns A: bool (notCollapsed) -- Returns B: bool (open), bool (notCollapsed) -- Overloads notCollapsed = ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Label") notCollapsed = ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Label", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Selected) open, notCollapsed = ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Label", open) open, notCollapsed = ImGui.CollapsingHeader("Label", open, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags.Selected) -- ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(...) -- Parameters: bool (open), ImGuiCond (cond) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true) ImGui.SetNextItemOpen(true, ImGuiCond.Always)
Widgets: Selectables
-- ImGui.Selectable(...) -- Parameters: text (label), bool (selected) [O], ImGuiSelectableFlags (flags) [O], float (size_x) [O], float (size_y) [O] -- Returns: bool (selected) -- Overloads selected = ImGui.Selectable("Label") selected = ImGui.Selectable("Label", selected) selected = ImGui.Selectable("Label", selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags.AllowDoubleClick) selected = ImGui.Selectable("Label", selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags.AllowDoubleClick, 100, 100)
Widgets: List Boxes
-- ImGui.ListBox(...) -- Parameters: text (label), int (current_item), table (items), int (items_count), int (height_in_items) [O] -- Returns: int (current_item), bool (clicked) -- Overloads current_item, clicked = ImGui.ListBox("Label", current_item, { "Item 1", "Item 2", 2 }) current_item, clicked = ImGui.ListBox("Label", current_item, { "Item 1", "Item 2", 2 }, 5) -- ImGui.ListBoxHeader(...) -- Parameters A: text (label), float (size_x), float (size_y) -- Parameters B: text (label), int (items_count), int (height_in_items) [0] -- Returns: bool (open) -- Overloads open = ImGui.ListBoxHeader("Label", 100.0, 100.0) -- size as params open = ImGui.ListBoxHeader("Label", 5) open = ImGui.ListBoxHeader("Label", 5, 5) -- items count and height -- ImGui.ListBoxFooter() ImGui.ListBoxFooter()
Widgets: Value() Helpers
-- ImGui.Value(...) -- Parameters: text (prefix) bool/int/unsigned int/float (value), text (float_format) [O] -- format only available with float -- Overloads ImGui.Value("Prefix", true) ImGui.Value("Prefix", -5) ImGui.Value("Prefix", 5) ImGui.Value("Prefix", 5.0) ImGui.Value("Prefix", 5.0, "%.2f")
Widgets: Menus
-- ImGui.BeginMenuBar() -- Returns: bool (shouldDraw) shouldDraw = ImGui.BeginMenuBar() -- ImGui.EndMenuBar() ImGui.EndMenuBar() -- ImGui.BeginMainMenuBar() -- Returns: bool (shouldDraw) shouldDraw = ImGui.BeginMainMenuBar() -- ImGui.EndMainMenuBar() ImGui.EndMainMenuBar() -- ImGui.BeginMenu(...) -- Parameters: text (label), bool (enabled) [O] -- Returns: bool (shouldDraw) -- Overloads shouldDraw = ImGui.BeginMenu("Label") shouldDraw = ImGui.BeginMenu("Label", true) -- ImGui.EndMenu() ImGui.EndMenu() -- ImGui.MenuItem(...) -- Parameters A: text (label), text (shortcut) [0] -- Parameters B: text (label), text (shortcut), bool (selected) -- Returns A: bool (activated) -- returns B: bool (selected), bool (activated) -- Overloads activated = ImGui.MenuItem("Label") activated = ImGui.MenuItem("Label", "ALT+F4") selected, activated = ImGui.MenuItem("Label", "ALT+F4", selected) selected, activated = ImGui.MenuItem("Label", "ALT+F4", selected, true)
-- ImGui.BeginTooltip() ImGui.BeginTooltip() -- ImGui.EndTooltip() ImGui.EndTooltip() -- ImGui.SetTooltip(...) -- Parameters: text (fmt) ImGui.SetTooltip("Did you know that I have the high ground?")
Popups, Modals
-- ImGui.BeginPopup(...) -- Parameters: text (str_id), ImGuiWindowFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: bool (open) -- Overloads open = ImGui.BeginPopup("String ID") open = ImGui.BeginPopup("String ID", ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse) -- ImGui.BeginPopupModal(...) -- Parameters: text (name), bool (open) [O], ImGuiWindowFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: bool (open) -- Overloads open = ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Name") open = ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Name", open) open = ImGui.BeginPopupModal("Name", open, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoCollapse) -- ImGui.EndPopup() ImGui.EndPopup() -- ImGui.OpenPopup(...) -- Parameters: text (str_id), ImGuiPopupFlags (popup_flags) -- Overloads ImGui.OpenPopup("String ID") ImGui.OpenPopup("String ID", ImGuiPopupFlags.NoOpenOverExistingPopup) -- ImGui.OpenPopupContextItem(...) -- Parameters: text (str_id), ImGuiPopupFlags (popup_flags) -- Returns: bool (open) -- Overloads open = ImGui.OpenPopupContextItem() open = ImGui.OpenPopupContextItem("String ID") open = ImGui.OpenPopupContextItem("String ID", ImGuiPopupFlags.NoOpenOverExistingPopup) -- ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup() ImGui.CloseCurrentPopup() -- ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem(...) -- Parameters: text (str_id), ImGuiPopupFlags (popup_flags) -- Returns: bool (open) -- Overloads open = ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem() open = ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem("String ID") open = ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem("String ID", ImGuiPopupFlags.NoOpenOverExistingPopup) -- ImGui.BeginPopupContextWindow(...) -- Parameters: text (str_id), ImGuiPopupFlags (popup_flags) -- Returns: bool (open) -- Overloads open = ImGui.BeginPopupContextWindow() open = ImGui.BeginPopupContextWindow("String ID") open = ImGui.BeginPopupContextWindow("String ID", ImGuiPopupFlags.NoOpenOverExistingPopup) -- ImGui.BeginPopupContextVoid(...) -- Parameters: text (str_id), ImGuiPopupFlags (popup_flags) -- Returns: bool (open) -- Overloads open = ImGui.BeginPopupContextVoid() open = ImGui.BeginPopupContextVoid("String ID") open = ImGui.BeginPopupContextVoid("String ID", ImGuiPopupFlags.NoOpenOverExistingPopup) -- ImGui.IsPopupOpen(...) -- Parameters: text (str_id), ImGuiPopupFlags (popup_flags) -- Overloads ImGui.IsPopupOpen("String ID") ImGui.IsPopupOpen("String ID", ImGuiPopupFlags.NoOpenOverExistingPopup)
-- ImGui.Columns(...) -- Parameters: int (count) [O], text (id) [O], bool (border) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.Columns() ImGui.Columns(2) ImGui.Columns(2, "MyOtherColumn") ImGui.Columns(3, "MyColumnWithBorder", true) -- ImGui.NextColumn() ImGui.NextColumn() -- ImGui.GetColumnIndex() -- Returns: int (index) index = ImGui.GetColumnIndex() -- ImGui.GetColumnWidth(...) -- Parameters: int (column_index) [O] -- Returns: float (width) -- Overloads width = ImGui.GetColumnWidth() width = ImGui.getColumnWidth(2) -- ImGui.SetColumnWidth(...) -- Parameters: int (column_index), float (width) ImGui.SetColumnWidth(2, 100) -- ImGui.GetColumnOffset(...) -- Parameters: int (column_index) [O] -- Returns: float (offset) -- Overloads offset = ImGui.GetColumnOffset() offset = ImGui.GetColumnOffset(2) -- ImGui.SetColumnOffset(...) -- Parameters: int (column_index), float (offset) ImGui.SetColumnOffset(2, 10) -- ImGui.GetColumnsCount() -- Returns: int (count) count = ImGui.GetColumnsCount()
Tab Bars, Tabs
-- ImGui.BeginTabBar(...) -- Parameters: text (str_id), ImGuiTabBarFlags (flags) -- Returns: bool (open) -- Overloads open = ImGui.BeginTabBar("String ID") open = ImGui.BeginTabBar("String ID", ImGuiTabBarFlags.Reorderable) -- ImGui.EndTabBar() ImGui.EndTabBar() -- ImGui.BeginTabItem() -- Parameters A: text (label) -- Parameters B: text (label), bool (open), ImGuiTabItemFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns A: bool (selected) -- Returns B: bool (open), bool (selected) -- Overloads selected = ImGui.BeginTabItem("Label") open, selected = ImGui.BeginTabItem("Label", open) open, selected = ImGui.BeginTabItem("Label", open, ImGuiTabItemFlags_NoTooltip) -- ImGui.EndTabItem() ImGui.EndTabItem() -- ImGui.SetTabItemClosed(...) -- Parameters: text (tab_or_docked_window_label) ImGui.SetTabItemClosed("MyDockedWindow")
-- ImGui.DockSpace(...) -- Parameters: unsigned int (id), float (size_x) [O], float (size_y) [O], ImGuiDockNodeFlags (flags) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.DockSpace(0) ImGui.DockSpace(1, 200, 300) ImGui.DockSpace(1, 200, 300, ImGuiDockNodeFlags.NoDockingInCentralNode) -- ImGui.SetNextWindowDockID(...) -- Parameters: unsigned int (dock_id), ImGuiCond (cond) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetNextWindowDockID(0) ImGui.SetNextWindowDockID(0, ImGuiCond.Always) -- ImGui.GetWindowDockID() -- Returns: unsigned int (id) id = ImGui.GetWindowDockID() -- ImGui.IsWindowDocked() -- Returns: bool (docked) docked = ImGui.IsWindowDocked()
-- ImGui.LogToTTY(...) -- Parameters: int (auto_open_depth) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.LogToTTY() ImGui.LogToTTY(1) -- ImGui.LogToFile(...) -- Parameters: int (auto_open_depth) [O], text (fileName) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.LogToFile() ImGui.LogToFile(1) ImGui.LogToFile(1, "myfile.txt") -- ImGui.LogToClipboard(...) -- Parameters: int (auto_open_depth) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.LogToClipboard() ImGui.LogToClipboard(1) -- ImGui.LogFinish() ImGui.LogFinish() -- ImGui.LogButtons() ImGui.LogButtons() -- ImGui.LogText(...) -- Parameters: text (fmt) ImGui.LogText("I want to log this, thanks.")
-- ImGui.PushClipRect(...) -- Parameters: float (min_x), float (min_y), float (max_x), float (max_y), bool (intersect_current) ImGui.PushClipRect(0, 0, 100, 100, false) -- ImGui.PopClipRect() ImGui.PopClipRect()
Focus, Activation
-- ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus() ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus() -- ImGui.SetKeyboardFocusHere(...) -- Parameters: int (offset) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus() ImGui.SetItemDefaultFocus(5)
Item / Widgets Utilities
-- ImGui.IsItemHovered(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiHoveredFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: bool (hovered) -- Overloads hovered = ImGui.IsItemHovered() hovered = ImGui.IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags.ChildWindows) -- ImGui.IsItemActive() -- Returns: bool (active) active = ImGui.IsItemActive() -- ImGui.IsItemFocused() -- Returns: bool (focused) focused = ImGui.IsItemFocused() -- ImGui.IsItemClicked(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiMouseButton (mouse_button) [O] -- Returns: bool (clicked) -- Overloads clicked = ImGui.IsItemClicked() clicked = ImGui.IsItemClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Middle) -- ImGui.IsItemVisible() -- Returns: bool (visible) visible = ImGui.IsItemVisible() -- ImGui.IsItemEdited() -- Returns: bool (edited) edited = ImGui.IsItemEdited() -- ImGui.IsItemActivated() -- Returns: bool (activated) activated = ImGui.IsItemActivated() -- ImGui.IsItemDeactivated() -- Returns: bool (deactivated) deactivated = ImGui.IsItemDeactivated() -- ImGui.IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() -- Returns: bool (deactivated_after_edit) deactivated_after_edit = ImGui.IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() -- ImGui.IsItemToggledOpen() -- Returns: bool (toggled_open) toggled_open = ImGui.IsItemToggledOpen() -- ImGui.IsAnyItemHovered() -- Returns: bool (any_item_hovered) any_item_hovered = ImGui.IsAnyItemHovered() -- ImGui.IsAnyItemActive() -- Returns: bool (any_item_active) any_item_active = ImGui.IsAnyItemActive() -- ImGui.IsAnyItemFocused() -- Returns: bool (any_item_focused) any_item_focused = ImGui.IsAnyItemFocused() -- ImGui.GetItemRectMin() -- Returns: float (x), float (y) x, y = ImGui.GetItemRectMin() -- ImGui.GetItemRectMax() -- Returns: float (x), float (y) x, y = ImGui.GetItemRectMax() -- ImGui.GetItemRectSize() -- Returns: float (x), float (y) x, y = ImGui.GetItemRectSize() -- ImGui.SetItemAllowOverlap() ImGui.SetItemAllowOverlap()
Miscellaneous Utilities
-- ImGui.IsRectVisible(...) -- Parameters A: float (size_x), float (size_y) -- Parameters B: float(min_x), float (min_y), float (max_x), float (max_y) -- Returns: bool (visible) -- Overloads visible = ImGui.IsRectVisible(100, 100) visible = ImGui.IsRectVisible(50, 50, 200, 200) -- ImGui.GetTime() -- Returns double (time) time = ImGui.GetTime() -- ImGui.GetFrameCount() -- Returns int (frame_count) frame_count = ImGui.GetFrameCount() -- ImGui.GetStyleColorName(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiCol (idx) -- Returns: text (style_color_name) style_color_name = ImGui.GetStyleColorName(ImGuiCol.Text) -- ImGui.BeginChildFrame(...) -- Parameters: unsigned int (id), float (size_x), float (size_y), ImGuiWindowFlags (flags) [O] -- Returns: bool (open) -- Overloads open = ImGui.BeginChildFrame(0, 100, 100) open = ImGui.BeginChildFrame(0, 100, 100, ImGuiWindowFlags.NoBackground) -- ImGui.EndChildFrame() ImGui.EndChildFrame()
Text Utilities
-- ImGui.CalcTextSize(...) -- Parameters: text (text), text (text_end) [O], bool (hide_text_after_double_hash) [O], float (wrap_width) [O] -- Returns: float (x), float (y) -- Overloads x, y = ImGui.CalcTextSize("Calculate me") x, y = ImGui.CalcTextSize("Calculate me", " with an ending?") x, y = ImGui.CalcTextSize("Calculate me", " with an ending?", true) x, y = ImGui.CalcTextSize("Calculate me", " with an ending?", true, 100)
Color Utilities
-- ImGui.ColorConvertRGBtoHSV(...) -- Parameters: float (r), float (g), float (b) -- Returns: float (h), float (s), float (v) h, s, v = ImGui.ColorConvertRGBtoHSV(1, 0, 0.5) -- ImGui.ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(...) -- Parameters: float (h), float (s), float (v) -- Returns: float (r), float (g), float (b) r, g, b = ImGui.ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(1, 0, 0.5)
Inputs Utilities: Keyboard
-- ImGui.GetKeyIndex(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiKey (key) -- Returns: int (index) index = ImGui.GetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey.Tab) -- ImGui.IsKeyDown(...) -- Parameters: int (key_index) -- Returns: bool (down) down = ImGui.IsKeyDown(0) -- ImGui.IsKeyPressed(...) -- Parameters: int (key_index), bool (repeat) [O] -- Returns: bool (pressed) -- Overloads pressed = ImGui.IsKeyPressed(0) pressed = ImGui.IsKeyPressed(0, true) -- ImGui.IsKeyReleased(...) -- Parameters: int (key_index) -- Returns: bool (released) released = ImGui.IsKeyReleased(0) -- ImGui.GetKeyPressedAmount(...) -- Parameters: int (key_index), float (repeat_delay), float (rate) -- Returns: int (pressed_amount) pressed_amount = ImGui.GetKeyPressedAmount(0, 0.5, 5) -- ImGui.CaptureKeyboardFromApp(...) -- Parameters: bool (want_capture_keyboard_value) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.CaptureKeyboardFromApp() ImGui.CaptureKeyboardFromApp(false)
Inputs Utilities: Mouse
-- ImGui.IsMouseDown(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiMouseButton (button) -- Returns: bool (down) down = ImGui.IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton.Right) -- ImGui.IsMouseClicked(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiMouseButton (button), bool (repeat) [O] -- Returns: bool (clicked) -- Overloads clicked = ImGui.IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Right) clicked = ImGui.IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Right, false) -- ImGui.IsMouseReleased(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiMouseButton (button) -- Returns: bool (released) released = ImGui.IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton.Right) -- ImGui.IsMouseDoubleClicked(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiMouseButton (button) -- Returns: bool (double_clicked) double_clicked = ImGui.IsMouseDoubleClicked(ImGuiMouseButton.Right) -- ImGui.IsMouseHoveringRect(...) -- Parameters: float (min_x), float (min_y), float(max_x), float(max_y), bool (clip) [O] -- Returns: bool (hovered) hovered = ImGui.IsMouseHoveringRect(0, 0, 100, 100) hovered = ImGui.IsMouseHoveringRect(0, 0, 100, 100, true) -- ImGui.IsAnyMouseDown() -- Returns: bool (any_mouse_down) any_mouse_down = ImGui.IsAnyMouseDown() -- ImGui.GetMousePos() -- Returns: float (x), float (y) x, y = ImGui.GetMousePos() -- ImGui.GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup() -- Returns: float (x), float (y) x, y = ImGui.GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup() -- ImGui.IsMouseDragging(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiMouseButton (button), float (lock_threshold) [O] -- Returns: bool (dragging) -- Overloads dragging = ImGui.IsMouseDragging(ImGuiMouseButton.Middle) dragging = ImGui.IsMouseDragging(ImGuiMouseButton.Middle, 0.5) -- ImGui.GetMouseDragDelta(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiMouseButton (button) [O], float (lock_threshold) [O] -- Returns: float (x), float (y) -- Overloads x, y = ImGui.GetMouseDragDelta() x, y = ImGui.GetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton.Middle) x, y = ImGui.GetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton.Middle, 0.5) -- ImGui.ResetMouseDragDelta(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiMouseButton (button) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.ResetMouseDragDelta() ImGui.ResetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton.Middle) -- ImGui.GetMouseCursor() -- Returns: ImGuiMouseCursor (cursor) cursor = ImGui.GetMouseCursor() -- ImGui.SetMouseCursor(...) -- Parameters: ImGuiMouseCursor (cursor_type) ImGui.SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor.Hand) -- ImGui.CaptureMouseFromApp() -- Parameters: bool (want_capture_mouse_value) [O] -- Overloads ImGui.CaptureMouseFromApp() ImGui.CaptureMouseFromApp(true)
Clipboard Utilities
-- ImGui.GetClipboardText() -- Returns: text (text) text = ImGui.GetClipboardText() -- ImGui.SetClipboardText(...) -- Parameters: text (text) ImGui.SetClipboardText("I made it to the clipboard!")