This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about M2TWEOP. Feel free to suggest new entries in our discord!

Where can I download M2TWEOP?

The latest version of M2TWEOP is located on the “Releases” tab of the M2TWEOP github, here: https://github.com/youneuoy/M2TWEOP-library/releases. You need to download the archive with the word “M2TWEOP” in the title and the extension ‘.zip’ (e.g M2TWEOP-beta-2.14.zip)

How do I install M2TWEOP?

Just unpack the downloaded archive into the folder with your modification.

I installed M2TWEOP. How can I run a modification using it?

Run M2TWEOPGUI.exe and hit ‘Run Mod’.

I heard that M2TWEOP allows you to write plugins in the lua programming language. How to do it?

Read https://youneuoy.github.io/M2TWEOP-library/_static/LuaLib/index.html or watch a tutorial here: https://youtu.be/hUvbcz8i7Wk

How can I prevent users from running my mod without having EOP enabled?

You should run the M2TWEOP launcher, check the “Block modification launch without EOP” parameter in the settings (“game” submenu). Next, you should replace all “type” fields in your “export_descr_unit.txt” file with “eopOnlyType”. After that, your mod will not work unless the user launches it with EOP.

How can I use M2TWEOP and ReShade together?
  1. Delete d3d9.dll in Medieval 2 folder if you have one there already

  2. Install ReShade like normal

  3. Rename d3d9.dll in Medieval 2 folder added by ReShade to dxgi.dll

  4. Run mod via M2TWEOP like normal

How can I open the M2TWEOP Console, Reload the Script or use the Map Viewer?
  • CTRL+~ = Open Console

  • CTRL+9+1 = Reloads luaPluginScript.lua

  • ALT+~ = Open EOP Map Viewer

How can I convert a non-EOP save to an EOP save?
  1. Make a copy of your save

  2. Rename the copy to M2TWEOPTEMPgameSaveDONTTOUCHTHISFILE.sav (Make sure it ends in .sav and the file type is .sav)

  3. Compress it into a .zip archive

  4. Rename the .zip archive to something like Bree.sav (Make sure it ends in .sav and the file type is .sav)

Does the mod increase the faction limit?

No. Removing the faction limit is complicated and will be extremely time consuming. It’s not as simple as just changing the value. Perhaps in the future.

What’s the best way to write and debug EOP Lua scripts?

We suggest you use Visual Studio Code and the following extension because it enables linting, Intellisense and inline documentation for each EOP function.